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Business Support  

Temporary and Permanent Staffing Needs– A full service interview team to provide qualified professional assistance during temporary or long term personnel transitional needs. We manage the recruiting, interviewing and screening of qualified employees to meet your business needs.

Certified Coaching/Mentoring-Seasoned professionals with experience in counseling and advising for personal development, career advancement, and proper protocol. We offer private and confidential cultural and gender coaching.

Student Programs-Design and develop student programs to support business needs. Programs designed to provide a feeder pool of new work entrants to support business growth, enhance diversity, while at the same time serving as a corporate good will for local colleges, universities, and the community.

Affirmative Action/EEOC Advice -Analyze data and design appropriate goal strategies.

Recruitment Specialists-Identify best recruitment sites, and events that support your hiring strategies. Search the markets to identify top talent to support diversity initiatives and business needs.

Job Analysis IE Standards-Evaluate work load, process flow, to ensure staff efficiency.

Strategic Planning-We conduct environmental scans to determine and interview key stake holders to deliver achievable strategic long range plans.

Succession Planning- Evaluate current staff and develop plan to support seamless and transparent transition of leaders and key human capital.

Marketing and Public Relations-We can analyze your firm, develop and design the best marketing and public relations strategy to support your business initiatives.

Fund Raising Events-We provide advanced expertise in turning ideas into profit earning projects. We design, develop, and assist with fund raising events, and activities.

Grant Writing-We assist with research, and submission of grant request for nonprofit agencies and groups.

Non Profit Filings-Complete all documents necessary for 501-c 3 filing, by-laws and board governance, and business plans to meet requirements requirements under state and federal government agencies to operate a nonprofit entity. Charters can be developed and/or reviewed.

Board of Directors Leadership Development- Train non-profit board members under Robert's Rules of Order, and leadership responsibility. 

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